The main benefits of algae

Reduces excessive blood cholesterol. Improves action of the vascular system, including the heart. Stabilises the balance of salts and micro-elements. Prevents uptake of heavy metals and radioisotopes (e.g. cadmium, cobalt, lead, mercury, strontium) and also reduces the body´s levels of such substances, if already accumulated. Increases endurance and overall physical performance. Increases the shelf-life of …

Use of algae in medicine and pharmacology

Recent research has shown that there are many biochemically active substances in algae which have a great pharmacological interest. Several species are used traditionally against intestinal worm infestations in humans and antibiotic effects have been shown in many common green, brown and red algae. Extracts from certain algae have been shown to inhibit viral infections …

The nutritive value of algae

The nutritive value of algae has som interesting aspects. Generally, the protein content is high, and the uptake by humans can be enhanced by boiling, frying, roasting or deep-freezing. There are opinions that the carbohydrates can be made more available when algae are consumed for some time and there has developed an intestinal bacterial flora …