Diet to End World Hunger

Forget everything you know about algae. This explains how to to prepare dried sea vegetables into the perfect weight loss, and nutritional flavor-enhancing food additive. Learn to make sea vegetables into a tasteless inexpensive nutritious weight loss liquid for shakes, teas and frozen cocktails: or a nutritional taste-enhancing jelly, for soups, dips, and stews or …

benefits of eating unprocessed sea vegetable

There are numerous health benefits from eating unprocessed sea vegetable. Asian cultures have known about it for centuries and the origins of eating sea vegetables dates back 1300 years. The benefits of eating sea vegetables as a whole-green jelly, does not compare with other ways of cooking and eating sea vegetables. The problem with the …

enzymer och spårämnen

Enzymer är katalysatorer för kemiska reaktioner i den levande cellen. En del enzymer består enbart av aminosyror (vänstervridande). Andra enzymer behöver för att fungera en mindre organisk förening eller spårämne, vilken kallas coenzym. Coenzymer av organiskt material har i vissa fall visat sig vara derivat av vitaminer. Coenzymer av oorganisk typ, såsom järn, zink, magnesium,, …

why you need marine algae

Recent research has confirmed that marine algae (seaweed) can be a valuable supplement to the human diet. In the unpolluted sea environment algae are able to absorb trace elements, minerals, salts and other nutrients. Many of the same nutrients are often lacking in people´s daily diet because of insufficient variation in our choice of food. …