tandköttsinflammation eller gingivitis

For decades among many cultures seaweedtang has been used to prevent and treat gingivitis also known as periodontal or gum disease. Gingivitis is an inflammation and infection caused by unhealthy bacteria in the mouth affecting the gums and teeth. More than four hundred types of bacteria are known to cause dental plaque, decay your teeth and weaken your immune system. Research shows that plaques effects are not limited to the oral cavity, but that the oral bacteria can enter the bloodstrem and cause cazrdiovascular and organ damage over time, ultimately contributing to heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and even premature death. Eating both red and brown seaweedstang on a regular bases can help fight infection and promote healthy mucous membranes and gums.

Publicerat av Clas

Hej jag kallas för Clas, Classe, ClasGöran eller CG och har forskat på havsalger sedan 1974. Jag har dykt i havet och plockat upp havsalger för att kunna använda dem som functional food, kostillskott och fodertillskott. Havsalger eller seaweed eller kelp som de också kallas ger dig ett starkt tillskott av de nyttiga ämnen du behöver, samtidigt som du får ett skydd mot onyttiga ämnen.

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