
In the untouched depths of the oceans live strange and wonderful creatures and plants. Sea-algae is without doubt one of the most note-worthy. Besides being the daily nutrition for many creatures, it is also extremely beneficial for man. In the unpolluted sea milieu the algae absorbs trace-elements, minerals, salts and nutrients which are often lacking in our daily diet – lacking because vegetables, fruit and meat are drained by the effects of bad environment and bad handling. This means that algae can supply the nutrients which we need mot urgently e.g. calcium, potassium, selen, silicon, vitamins, fibres, anti-oxidants and omega 3. But the nutritional value is not all. Algmix also has an amazing ability to absorb and dispel damaging heavy metals e.g. lead, mercury and cadmium out of the body. It is algmix food-fibre, the so called alginates which is responsible for this purification. Algmix also gives both a strong supplement of the essential elements that the body needs and a powerful protection against the useless you want escape.

Publicerat av Clas

Hej jag kallas för Clas, Classe, ClasGöran eller CG och har forskat på havsalger sedan 1974. Jag har dykt i havet och plockat upp havsalger för att kunna använda dem som functional food, kostillskott och fodertillskott. Havsalger eller seaweed eller kelp som de också kallas ger dig ett starkt tillskott av de nyttiga ämnen du behöver, samtidigt som du får ett skydd mot onyttiga ämnen.

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