When Laminaria is stressed the plant flushes large quantities of iodide as a powerful antioxidant out of its cells, which combines with highly reactive oxygen in the water and air to produce molecular iodine, which is used in hospitals as an antiseptic. The process can generate clouds of iodine near the ocean surface that can ward off the damaging effects of ozone. Iodine is also scavenging free radical in blood cells. Laminaria which boasts the highest concentration of iodide of any plant, passively takes in this element from seawater and then releases it when needed to detoxify harmful reactive oxygen species, which are generated by such external forces as pollution and intense light, as well as by internal metabolic processes. It is only one atom and it is charged. It is the simplest antioxidant you could find. Laminaria has 1.000 times more iodine than what is it in the sea. When the Laminaria is exposed to stress, it dumps the iodide, which is easily converted into molecular iodine. Molecular iodine goes into the atmosphere where it helps form clouds that decrease the heat from the sun. It is one way of getting rid of ozone close to the ocean surface. Iodine is an important element for thyroid function in humans. Since medieval times have laminaria been used to treat goiter. Iodines impact on maladies ranging from thyroid disease to breas cancer.
Publicerat av Clas
Hej jag kallas för Clas, Classe, ClasGöran eller CG och har forskat på havsalger sedan 1974. Jag har dykt i havet och plockat upp havsalger för att kunna använda dem som functional food, kostillskott och fodertillskott. Havsalger eller seaweed eller kelp som de också kallas ger dig ett starkt tillskott av de nyttiga ämnen du behöver, samtidigt som du får ett skydd mot onyttiga ämnen. Visa fler inlägg